Where is Abacus's corporate headquarters?
Our headquarters are located in Orlando, Florida.
When did Abacus go public?
The business combination closed on June 30, 2023, with the first day of trading on July 3, 2023.
What is Abacus’s fiscal year?
Out fiscal year ends each December 31.
On what exchange is Abacus common stock listed and what is its ticker symbol?
Our common stock is listed on the Nasdaq exchange under the ticker symbol ABL.
Does Abacus pay dividends?
No, we do not pay a dividend.
Who is Abacus's transfer agent?
The transfer agent is Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company.
Who is Abacus's auditor?
Our auditor is Grant Thornton.
Where can I get the latest corporate news releases and financial reports?
Please look in the “News & Events” section of the IR site. Financial reports can be found in the “Financials” section of the website.
Who makes up the Abacus Executive Management team and Board of Directors?
Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?
Please reach out to investors@abacuslife.com.
How do I obtain a copy of the annual report, proxy and other financial reports?
In an effort to protect the environment and reduce paper consumption, Abacus provides electronic copies of all SEC filings on its IR site here.